Booth Number1220

Supporting care with voice, video and AI

Talk with our team about your needs in telehealth, ambient scribing, and AI, and hear about the latest industry trends. We're proud to be an ATA premier sponsor.

Join us — 6th May, 09:40 MST

CEO Spotlight: Daily, Veradigm and ScienceIO discuss AI & Virtual Care

Join us for a thought-provoking discussion led by Daily CEO Kwindla Hultman Kramer, as he talks with two leaders in healthcare and AI: Dr. Yin Ho, Veradigm CEO, and Will Manidis, Veradigm AI.

Brightside Health

Showcasing at ATA 2024



Industry-leading telehealth. HIPAA compliant 1:1 and group calls. Built to deliver reliability in real-world conditions. Advanced analytics.

Ambient Scribe

Ambient Scribe

Make documentation easy for all your clinicians. Learn about our modular, healthcare-tuned AI, and our best-in-class support for customization.

Patient Intake

Patient Intake

Streamline the intake process and improve data accuracy prior to clinical encounters. With voice-powered AI patient intake, patient data can be gathered in an interactive session via an app, webpage, or telephone call.

Meet with us